About the Course
Are you actively practicing Thai Massage and have you studied at least the Level 1 & 2 trainings with Jennifer? And, are you ready for more? Maybe it's not about taking another course or level that intrigues you but honing and finessing the skills you already have. You can either consider private lessons or join Jennifer and a small group of enthusiastic practitioners who are equally looking forward to connection, guidance, and knowledge to deepen their skills on the mat and to confidently present themselves professionally.
For the group apprenticeship, we will meet in-person this Winter. Upon application and acceptance, the group will be surveyed for the best dates and times for a Saturday or Sunday to best accommodate everyone. There will also be a private Whatsapp or Facebook group, partner accountability check-ins, and group & personal council directly with Jennifer. And, we will meet once a month in-person.
Please note this apprenticeship is reserved for graduates of the Triple Gem School of Thai Massage or New England School of Thai Yoga. If you have any questions before applying, you can email Jennifer directly.
Your Instructor
Jennifer Yarro
This extensive apprenticeship will be skillfully led by Jennifer Yarro. She is the the Founder of the Triple Gem School of Thai Massage, is highly trained in Thai Massage, having traveled to Thailand many times over the years to study directly with Thai masters. Jennifer has been a practitioner of the art for 20 years as well as teaching nationally & internationally for the past 15 years. Although she is sought out for the lineage she carries, Jennifer is very humble in her offerings. She is passionate about the integrity of the practice, and meticulously imparts her knowledge of authentic Traditional Thai Massage to her students, always with a 'warm smile and a happy heart!