"Choose Your Own Adventure!"
Are you a yoga teacher, massage therapist, body worker, or personal trainer looking for expert advice, support, and transmission of deep wisdom? You are in the right place! Whether you wish to deepen your personal practice or your teaching repertoire, Jennifer has diverse and extensive experience: 20+ years of full-time teaching, 10+ years as a professional bodyworker, 12 years as a studio owner, and 15+ years teaching and training others internationally. You can learn from Jennifer via online education, one-on-one mentoring, in-person bodywork or yoga immersion trainings. Pick and choose or let Jennifer help guide your next step.
Hatha/ Vinyasa Yoga
Classes, Workshops
30hr CE Modules for Teachers
50hr Yoga Teacher Training
200hr Yoga Teacher Training
300hr Yoga Teacher Training
1000hr Yoga Teacher Training
Partner Prenatal Yoga
Partner Prenatal Massage
40hr Yoga Teacher Training
85hr Yoga Teacher Training
Thai Yoga Massage
Foundation Trainings
Abdominal TYM
TYM for Prenatal
Advanced Jap Sen
30-600hr of Trainings
Mentorship & Apprenticeship
Individual or Private Groups
New or Seasoned Yoga Teachers
Bodyworkers & LMTs
Interactive Online Forums
Curriculum Creation
Business Coaching